Sunday, March 8, 2015

Kids Can Sew! Day Camp

It's that time of year again: time to start thinking of warmer days, and wearing shorts & flip flops. It's also time to start making plans for the summer, before everyone's schedules get totally jammed up.

With that in mind, Miss Ronnie and I have chosen two weeks to offer our Kids Can Sew! Day Camp. It will be the same projects both weeks, so you have your choice of which week works best for you.

Session I will be from July 27 through 31 (Tuesday through Friday) from 10 am to 12:30 pm each day.  The fee is $125, and includes all of your supplies. In order to reserve a space for your child, you MUST pay the fee in advance.  We can not hold spaces that have not been paid for.  You can pay by check, payable to Schoolhouse Enterprises, or we can accept credit cards (also through Schoolhouse Enterprises, which is Merry's business name).  (Cash is good, too!  Just be sure to ask us for a receipt.) 

If you need to purchase a sewing machine, Dollard Baker Sew & Vac is giving you a really great deal on a brand new Baby Lock BL-9 for only $100; our normal price is $149, so you'll save $49 right off the bat.  This is only for kids who are joining the Kids Can Sew! Day Camp or one of the bi-monthly groups that run during the school year. 

Before joining any of our Kids Can Sew! groups (camp or monthly), your child MUST take at least TWO private lessons with either Miss Ronnie or myself.  Private lessons are $20 per hour, and your child MUST have his or her own sewing machine and basic sewing supplies (see the list below for what this includes).

Session II runs from August 4 through 7 (Tuesday through Friday) from 10 am to 12:30 pm each day.  The fee is $125, and includes all of your supplies.  Same rules and projects as for Session I.

Sew . . . What are the Projects this year?  One of them is an adorable Monster Lunch Bag with a vinyl lining.  The kids will be able to customize their monsters, too, so there will be no monster arguments about whose bag is whose. Another is the Woven Tape Measure Zipper Bag, made with real tape measures!  The kids will learn how to weave, too, which is fun.  Don't worry, there's more! We're still figuring out all the details and making the samples for you to see. 

So, what exactly SHOULD be in a Basic Sewing Kit??? 
  • Scissors:  one "good" pair that is ONLY for cutting Fabric (these would be categorized as "shears"), and a second, smaller pair for trimming threads. If you'd like, you can actually have a third pair that are just for cutting paper & stuff.  We call these "junk" scissors.
  • Seam Ripper - unfortunately, this is a necessity when sewing.  We sometimes call it a "sewing eraser."
  • Pins:  good, sharp pins, preferably with heads (little round balls on the end).
  • Pin Cushion:  the kids really like the magnetic kind.  We have them here at the store in a variety of pretty colors. But we also have the old-fashioned Tomato pin cushions if that's more up your alley.
  • Something to carry your sewing supplies in.  Some people just use a large plastic leftover container (without the leftovers, of course!). It should have a tight fitting lid to keep things from escaping, too.
Keep in mind that we offer a 10% Discount on any Supplies you purchase from us if you are signing up for one (or more!) of our classes.  This applies to grown-ups as well. 10% may not sound like much, but it can add up pretty quickly!  It also saves you from running all over the place looking for stuff.

So, if your child is interested in attending one of our sewing day camps, please be sure to sign up soon!  Space is extremely limited because we can only take SIX kids each week.  But don't despair if you miss out on these two sessions:  we often will add a session, or maybe two, once the first sessions fill up.  Or if these two weeks don't work for you, let us know which weeks might work better, and we'll keep it in mind in case we end up adding more weeks.  And just FYI, we're trying to have some consistency to our camp schedule by choosing the last week of July and the first week of August from year to year as our starting point.  This might help you as you plan your camps and vacations for the future.

As always, if you have questions, please don't hesitate to call Miss Ronnie or myself. 
Miss Ronnie:  (609) 703-2051
Merry: (609) 457-8879

THANK YOU for your interest in our Kids Can Sew! Clubs.  We are delighted that so many kids are interested in learning how to sew.  We're also pleased and privileged to be able to help them learn.